by James Owens | Nov 30, 2020 | Fireplace Maintenance
Is there smoke in your home coming from the fireplace? This is certainly cause for alarm! The first thing a homeowner should do if they seesmoke coming out of the firebox opening is call 911. The most likely scenario is that there is some issue causing some backdraft,... by James Owens | Mar 14, 2019 | Chimney Caps
Your chimney is an important part of your home. It keeps the smoke and exhaust out of your home, directing it into the great outdoors. As important as it is to make sure that the smoke is able to exit the chimney, there are also some things that need to be kept out.... by James Owens | Oct 5, 2017 | Chimney Leaks
There’s not much worse than getting a leak – whether it’s in the washing machine hose, the roof, or the dishwasher. These tend to be pretty easy to detect and, usually, they’re pretty easy to fix as well. Even if you have to call in a professional, it’s usually... by James Owens | Feb 19, 2013 | Chimney Information
As appealing as they are to some, fireplaces are not for everyone, and some may decide to brick theirs up. Since these areas may contain combustible creosote and there will no longer be access to them, a professional chimney sweep must first clean the fireplace and...