by James Owens | Jul 12, 2016 | Hiring A Chimney Sweep
Before you hire a chimney sweep to perform your annual chimney sweeping and inspection, it is important to check out the qualifications of the technician. These chimney maintenance services protect you from the risk of chimney fires and carbon monoxide leaks, so you...
by James Owens | Sep 29, 2014 | Chimney Information, Chimney Tips
We all love our chimneys. They add a certain aesthetic beauty to our homes and help keep our families safe from the smoke and harmful gases that would otherwise leak into our homes without them. Since we value them so much for this protection that they provide, why...
by James Owens | Aug 18, 2014 | Chimney Information, Chimney Maintenance
There are some things that do not require expert levels of attention and care, but matters of family health and safety are not one of those things. Chimney care is potentially a life or death matter. You don’t want just anyone to service your chimney. Following these...
by James Owens | May 26, 2014 | Chimney Information
At Owens Chimney Systems, our goal is to help our clients enjoy the best-performing, most efficient, most dependable and safe chimney system possible, and accomplishing that goal includes everything from providing thorough annual chimney inspections and making expert...
by James Owens | Feb 19, 2013 | Chimney Information
As appealing as they are to some, fireplaces are not for everyone, and some may decide to brick theirs up. Since these areas may contain combustible creosote and there will no longer be access to them, a professional chimney sweep must first clean the fireplace and...