Give the pros at Owens Chimney Systems a call at 704-554-9595 for any and all of your chimney system needs!

Give the pros at Owens Chimney Systems a call at 704-554-9595 for any and all of your chimney system needs!

At Owens Chimney Systems, our goal is to help our clients enjoy the best-performing, most efficient, most dependable and safe chimney system possible, and accomplishing that goal includes everything from providing thorough annual chimney inspections and making expert repairs when needed to advising you on the best new hearth products on the market.

If a few snags are holding you back from feeling like your fireplace or stove and chimney are giving you 100 percent of what you need, we can help. That might mean replacing your rusty chase cover, or stopping moisture intrusion and protecting your chimney masonry with a specially formulated waterproofing sealant.

Chimney Extras And The Problems They Solve

Problem: You’re not getting the desired heat output from your fireplace.

Solution: Purchase and install a stainless steel or cast iron fireback.

Fireplaces — older fireplaces in particular — tend to lose a lot of their heat up the chimney, so this is a common complaint. Some homeowners opt to add a fan to carry the heat further, but we really like the time-tested, tried and true fireback, which helps increase the heat output without increasing your electric bill.

Firebacks are installed in the back of your firebox, and their function is simple and effective: the fireback absorbs heat from your fire and radiates it into your living space. They can add a pop of design interest to your fireplace as well — we regularly install firebacks with ornate designs printed onto them in an attempt to boost visual interest almost as much as warmth.

Problem: Smoke is coming into your living area when you use your fireplace.

Solution: Purchase and install a smoke guard.

The design of a chimney is kind of like a car engine: the whole system only works correctly when all the right individual parts are in place and working. If, say, your flue is too large for the appliance it’s venting, you end up with performance problems.

These are just a few of the chimney extras we can talk to you about and install. If you have chimney problems that need solutions — or need any other type of chimney care — call  Owens Chimney Systems.