by James Owens | Dec 12, 2013 | Chimney and Fireplace Safety, Chimney Information, Chimney Tips
Chimneys are far more complex than you may believe at first glance. The average homeowner is only vaguely familiar with the fireplace and/or chimney components that extend beyond the hearth and firebox. Knowing about these parts and their general functions can be...
by James Owens | Oct 28, 2013 | Chimney and Fireplace Safety, Chimney Information, Chimney Maintenance, Chimney Tips, Energy Efficiency, Fire Safety, Venting
Only the Best: Certified CSIA Chimney Sweeps Our chimneys and fireplaces not only look good in our homes, they also bring that much needed warmth we desire. It gives us so much that it’s only fair to give our chimneys the right amount of attention and care. After all,...
by James Owens | Sep 30, 2013 | Chimney and Fireplace Safety, Chimney Information, Chimney Maintenance, Chimney Tips, Fire Safety
What Causes Smoking Problems In The Chimney? One of the best things about the cold, winter months is snuggling up by a warm fire at the end of the day. However, this cozy scene can quickly turn into a mess if the chimney starts to fill the room with smoke. There are...
by James Owens | Oct 23, 2012 | Chimney Tips
This is an important question because of the implications it has for your chimney. Using “green” firewood will not only burn less efficiently, but it will also cause more creosote to build up on the chimney liner. Since creosote is so flammable, you could...
by James Owens | Jun 21, 2012 | Chimney Tips
Squirrels are not just found in public parks, and trees. They can also be found in chimneys. These animals love to go into these areas so they can feel warm, especially during the winter season. Sometimes, they become trapped in your chimney. Due to their breeding...